Monday, January 29, 2007

Recovered! Party aftermath.

After a fairly rough Sunday afternoon, I've had a good nights kip and am back on good form.

My estimations about the attendance of our party on Saturday were a bit off, Trina worked out that there were over 60 people including about 18 kids, who largely stayed upstairs - and despite the occaisonal flare up, were well behaved.

My 'den' (games dojo) was heavily over-subscribed most of the night, with the volume cranked fairly high and at times packed out, it was more of a mosh-pit as lots of people wanted soome Guitar Hero I/II action. I held it together late on to beat Andy's son, Lawrence who was trying to be too cocky on Expert level when he clearly was no expert or drunk, or both.

Thanks to everyone who brought gifts, beer, wine etc. There's enough for a few bashes from time to time, what with my moderation and all :)

I'm not in the office today, on my last day of being 39... I've got a bit of clearing up to do in the house, although we managed to get most of it back to normal yesterday, with the major hassle being a trip to the tip since we created a fair few bags of rubbish.

I might have a day taking some photos and may have a drive over to York; I'll see if a mate fancies some lunch over there and I'll jump on a train at some point.

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