I nearly didn't go in the first place after spending most of Saturday feeling rough as a badger's arse. I'd been up to Yarm with Jamie to see some developers and ended up enjoying the brunt of the town's finer bars and eventually a curry before heading back with Billy early in the morning - I'm not sure what I drank (or ate) to make me feel so bad, but it made me have to leave a get-together with our village friends on Saturday evening. Most unlike me to be ill and even odder still that I get up and leave my wine and pizza. Still, I feel a ton better today, despite the "Doctor Who experience".
1 comment:
can't have been what you ate ... you put most of the food down the back of the necks and balanced no the heads of the two Jasons!
Was a good night fella and you did well to give me directions considering :D
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