Friday, June 20, 2008

Whats it all aboot?

Am back from a couple of days up in Newcastle where I attended the Game Horizon conference - two days of games industry chatter and yet another opportunity to hook up with some great people. As ever there was opportunity to indulge in the evening.

I have a lot of time for Newcastle and really like the city, especially the quayside, the Baltic Flour Mill (now a nice art gallery) was a great location especially when the sun occasionally shined. 

It's the weekend again and yet another one centered around the kids. This morning Jack was off to a party at Xscape (the snow place) and at lunch Harry had his team's trophy day which I'd volunteered to take photos of. In the afternoon it was swimming and later this evening, Adam (Jack's cousin and great friend) is staying over. Tomorrow is Jack's birthday meal/film, so that day is pretty much a done-deal, so finding a bit of 'me time' might be tricky - it looks like a sneak to the Pot Oil pub on Sunday is on the cards.

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