Thursday, June 08, 2006

Normal service resumed

I finally feel like I'm back on top of things - the last few months have been a little bit non-stop with first GDC (and a couple of trips away preceding that), then E3, then my own holiday. My sleep is back to normal and I'm back on the diabetic diet stuff after putting a few pounds on during my break (I reckon I'd deserved a few treats).

Work-wise, it's looking very good for us at the moment and we've lots of interesting opportunities as well as the work already under way. We're advertising for more staff too and it's been a shame to see so many developers depart this region over the years which has been down to publishers and studios closing; the big players in the immediate area being ourselves (70 staff), Rockstar Leeds (60 staff) and Sumo down in Sheffield (70 or so).

I'm at a meeting tonight of the Game Republic board ( to discuss ongoing strategies for the region and it's games development companies - and we all continue to work with the regional development agency (Yorkshire Forward) to try and ensure the area does enough to attract new skills and talent to the region.

Then, from Friday, the World Cup starts - which is great :)

On Saturday I'm at a friends's son's birthday party (unfortunately timed for the England - Paraguay kick-off) but I'll manage to sneak away and watch the game along with all the other fathers and interested parties...

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