Friday, February 20, 2009

Super happy

That's right folks, super happy.

Things are going well, on a number of fronts. 

Had a great trip to the USA, moderately behaved, saw old friends, made new friends, travelled a bit too much and bought a new coat (and didn't lose it).

I'm probably more excited about the future of Team17 than I have been in years, there is genuine excitement ahead in a way that rolls me back 15-16 years. A lot of the changes are yet to affect the studio and it won't be felt for a few months, but I know it's on the way. I couldn't be happier.

The only problem right now is that I've so much to sort out and do, I'm struggling to know what to do first. I've managed to avoid jet-lag for the first time ever too.

I'll try and update more often, blame Facebook...

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