Monday, November 12, 2007

Scotland and back!

Just back from a long-weekend in Edinburgh, Scotland. We went up there partly for Trina's birthday and partly to have a weekend with friends and ex-neighbors Marc & Tracy who moved up to Scotland last Jan.

We had a pretty good weekend, enjoying a rather predictably heavy first night where we ended up in the Haymarket in a pub with a great acoustic guitar act (much like we did over in Dublin) and all totally hammered. The guitarist was so good I think I might have asked him down to do our Xmas party... we'll see if he gets in touch!

Apart from the usual shopping, mooching around and taking a few snaps (some of the more arty are up on Flickr, despite some being a bit dark) we also went to see Frank Skinner at the Festival Theatre and he was excellent.

Back via GNER on Sunday and reunited with our kids, who'd been at the grans for the weekend. They were pleased to see us, as well as the Ratchet & Clank I'd got for PS3...

By the way, if in Edinburgh, check out "Wildfire" restaurant on Rose Street, it's excellent - one of the best meals we've had in ages.

Busy week next week, including a night in Birmingham for 6 of us... and time marches on to the traditional Lyon show in early December.

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