Saturday, May 16, 2009

Off and running again.

Well, am about to leave tomorrow for Nordic Game, a conference I've enjoyed in the past having so many good friends out there. I'm due to catch up with old friends, new friends and also give a talk on Digital Distribution/Self Publishing, which I seemed to have got caught up in a lot recently, despite trying to avoid the 'speaker circuit'. 

This week was really good on a few fronts really, things are really starting to shift at Team17 and it's going to be a really exciting period for us. 

Best laugh I had this week was on the train with John and Paul, when I got call from Graeme Boxall - and it was obviously from his pocket or whatever. After taking it, I says "I'll leave it on, he might be abroad in Hong Kong or something, it'll cost him a ton" - we then got on a train and unfortunately we went through a tunnel cutting him off after almost 14mins. Anyway, I didn't think much of this for 10mins until i went online with the mac (a story in itself, for another day). There, on Facebook is a message from Graeme, saying he really should stop calling people at home from his pocket when he's in China... LOL. Fortunately it seems he found the funny side.

After Nordic, I've got 1.5days in the office before I leave for Ireland at Spring Bank, for a week in Kerry, South West Ireland - another bit of pay back for the family. Hopefully the Irish weather will have a break and the sun will come out. I'm only back a day from Ireland before I leave for the USA and E3. When I get back it'll be mid June and I'll be wondering where the time goes (again).


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